A team of designers and community representatives have wrapped up the first of two Waterfront Holland design charrettes. This first charrette focused on design concepts for the broader Holland waterfront, and the second charrette in May will offer potential directions for specific sites, including the future of the James DeYoung power plant property, the VerPlank property, and Window-on-the-Waterfront.
The charrette was an intensive, four-day session where expert designers worked within the Waterfront Holland vision and guiding principles to generate several potential scenarios for an area stretching from South Shore Village to Holland Energy Park. Following the first charrette, the Waterfront Holland team presented findings during a summary presentation on April 18.
Although the results of the charrette are not prescriptive of a final decision, these long-term concepts developed show opportunities to improve the city through various transformations of our waterfront.
Some key takeaways from the event:
- The concepts seek to celebrate realities and opportunities with the waterfront industries.
- Concepts will be subjected to market analysis and feasibility studies.
- Large-scale charrette concepts will continue to be refined and informed by the small-scale charrette
- The draft vision statement and guiding principles will continue to be advanced, sharpened and sustained.
Waterfront Holland will update the public on findings and results as they unfold. For a comprehensive summary of all the key takeaways and goals from this round and sketches of preliminary concepts, visit the Charrette Results page.
The next design charrette is planned for May 20-23 to focus on specific sites, including the James DeYoung Power Plant. Signups for the summary presentation on May 23 are available here.