The Waterfront Holland team presented a final report to Holland City Council at its Dec 11 study session. The report summarized outcomes of our community visioning process including: Vision Statement and Guiding PrinciplesFour Concepts for the Waterfront from our two...
On Weds, 6/26/19 Waterfront Holland had the opportunity to present our Charrette results to Holland City Council during a study session. Overall, feedback was positive, and the initiative will continue on in refinement including a Public Feedback Survey and ongoing...
Designers and community representatives concluded the second of two Waterfront Holland design charrettes – this time offering potential directions for specific sites along the Holland waterfront. With the first charrette analyzing the broader waterfront, the...
Following the success of our first design charrette, Waterfront Holland is holding a second charrette, this time discussing specific sites like the James DeYoung Power Plant, the VerPlank property, and Window-on-the-Waterfront. The charrette is a multi-day session...
A team of designers and community representatives have wrapped up the first of two Waterfront Holland design charrettes. This first charrette focused on design concepts for the broader Holland waterfront, and the second charrette in May will offer potential directions...
People across West Michigan braved the cold spike on Saturday, April 13 to view the Holland waterfront from a new perspective. The boat tour event, made possible because of a partnership with 1 Adventure Company, allowed the community to experience the waterfront from...